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Thursday, October 31, 2013

How Many Calories Do I Need to Lose Weight? Calorie Diet Chart For Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight a calorie diet chart can be very useful to keep track of the daily calorific intake. It will help you to keep track of the type of foods that you are consuming. With this you can also keep track of foods that you need to avoid. Another aspect of such a chart could be recipe details so that the approximations of the calorific values of food may be included.

Few tips will help you to lose weight.

· Keep it simple: choose a chart which makes it easy to record information related to your diet. A tedious chart may be difficult to maintain in the long run.

· Pick a diet chart that allows you to include a list of foods that are recommended as well as foods that are prohibited.

· Also note down the timings for meals as well as for any weight loss or energy supplements that you might intend to use.

· It is advisable to make a note of servings that you consume.This will help you to get a more close approximate of your intake.

· Add a section where you can keep a list of groceries. Not only will this help you to keep all the required food and ingredients handy when preparing a meal, you will be less likely to shop for prohibited food on impulse.

· Make an honest note. Don't cheat. After all the very purpose of the chart is to help you to keep an account of your food intake.

· If you have binged or indulged your craving, the best way to make good the loss is to replace the following meals with a lower calorie count than your daily limit allows you.

· Follow the last tip seriously and you will see the diet chart will actually start working. It will help you to bring discipline in your diet regimen.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight While Pregnant

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