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Monday, November 11, 2013

Having Weight Loss Problems? Problem Finally Solved!

If you're having weight loss problems, then I can show you how to solve the problem once and for all. I have some tricks and "shortcuts" that'll fix this for you. It's "cheating", but it works!

Listen, weight loss can be a problem if you make it one. Weight loss isn't as complicated as it seems. I don't know you so I don't know what specific problem you are having with losing weight.

But here are 3 things you can do to get your weight loss back on track.

1. Spinning in a circle

What you did as a kid will help you to lose weight as an adult. What you do is spin around in a circle, clockwise and with your arms out like airplane wings. Spin 5-20 times and find out how many times it takes to get slightly dizzy... no more. Once you figure out that number, spin around everyday (multiple times a day) with that "slightly dizzy" number.

The reason why this works is because spinning affects your Endocrine System. Your Endocrine System controls your hormones. Since your hormones are most likely unbalanced, spinning balances them out through your Endocrine System. When that happens, losing weight is clear sailing... nice and easy.

2. Eat breakfast

Look, I don't care if you say you're not hungry in the morning or not. Eat anyway. 80% of people who are fat skip breakfast while 80% of skinny and lean people do eat breakfast... a good breakfast. So eat 3-4 scrambled eggs and fix this weight loss problem.

3. Eat 3 apples a day

Yes, yawn, zzz, boring... I know. But it works! I want to scream this to anyone who will listen. Eating 3 apples a day (either as a snack or right before meals) works really good for weight loss. In fact, if you did just this, you'd lose at least 2 pounds a month for 2-3 months.

I don't know what weight loss problem you are having, but if you follow the 3 things above, your weight loss problems should be a thing of the past within a week.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Tips - 2 Quick Weight Loss Fix

If you're tired of fixing your weight loss problem, then here's what you need to do in order quickly fix your weight problem. In this article, I am going to show 2 quick ways that will help you to lose weight fast.

No matter which stage are you in and how busy you are, you can use these 2 methods to lose some fat.

Weight Loss Fix #1

The first fix I have for you is to drink more water. Do you know that by drinking more water, you are helping your body to lose more water weight? In addition, by drinking more water, you are helping your kidneys to metabolize your body fat quickly and efficiently.

That is why drinking more water will aid your body to flush out the unnecessary water that is store in your body which you do not need it.

Weight Loss Fix #2

The second fix I have for you is you have to take a good breakfast. I can't emphasize this enough that this is the most important meal of the day. If you have a fulfilling breakfast, you will tend to snack lesser and help to get your metabolism to work early in the morning.

Here are some good foods that you can take for your breakfast. It includes cereals, eggs, black beans or oatmeal. The good guide on what food to consume is to choose protein rich food.So above are 2 quick weight loss fix that I have for you, start implementing it and see results.

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight While Pregnant

Healthy Diet Advice - 5 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Here is some healthy diet advice for those who are looking for a quick jump start to their weight loss:

1. Never eat until you are too full at each meal. You should strive to stop eating when you are completely satisfied.

2. Space your meals out by a minimum of two and a half to three hours in between each meal. This will give your body a chance to completely digest the food from the previous meal before you consume the next.

3. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. This will ensure that you get enough roughage, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals into your daily diet.

4. Do not eat within the last three hours before you go to bed at night. It is better to go to bed with an empty stomach than with a full stomach, so that your body doesn't needlessly spend the night digesting food when it should be resting.

5. Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of fewer big meals.

If you follow these five simple guidelines above, you will already be way ahead of the weight loss game. These rules alone are all you really need in order to lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, and even to maintain your weight once you have lost it. Your weight loss may be very slow and steady, but these tips are definitely a starting point which you can follow without too much effort, too much sacrifice, or any major readjustment to your routine.

For More Related Topics Blog: Diets That Work Fast